…and so, the Republic of these United States of America is transitioning once again. Whenever (and I should say wherever) I vote I always remember the first election that I took part in; the polls being located across the street from my dorm on campus. It was a monumental moment for me, like driving by myself for the first time, or graduating…etc.
I thank God that I live in a country where I HAVE THE RIGHT to cast my ballot freely, where I can complain about the leaders…AND where I can write a letter to King Charles, apologizing for that “tea incident” and asking him to take us back (this is usually toward the end of a campaign year, when I can’t stand yet another political ad).
I know that some of you are elated, and some disappointed in the results of this year’s elections…and some are surprised. But personalities, methods and political belief, aside, our responsibility as BELIEVERS & FOLLOWERS is primarily to THE KINGDOM OF GOD (where our first allegiance lies). This country and “THIS PRESENT AGE” are both temporary – our Citizenship in the Kingdom is eternal.
I’m easy-going to a certain point, I don’t have much trouble with anything and tend to like everyone and see all sides of a situation…sometimes that’s not a good thing, but most of the time it’s a good trait to have. I’m thankful my father (Tom Vale, who knew no stranger) left that trait to me. In that light, maybe it’s easier for me to say, whoever sits in the Mayor’s Office, the Senate or House Chairs, or the Oval Office…I will always respect the office and wish them the best (after all, it’s only to MY benefit if they make wise and worthwhile choices).
Paul, in his letter to the Roman Church, says, “Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God.” (13:1) …in fact, ROMANS 13:1-7 is a good bunch of verses to read whenever you think of our leaders and the church.
I’ve been in the Ministry/Leadership for over 40 years and I know how difficult “leadership” is…and how fickle it is. Maybe for that reason there is something that I have done for every President and Mayor, newly-elected, since I’ve been involved in ministry…I write them a personal letter and promise to pray for them, and their families, regularly. I don’t agree or disagree with their reasoning or political beliefs, for me, that’s beside the point…and, ultimately, doesn’t matter to me since this isn’t really my “home”. I only promise to lift them up in prayer on a regular basis. Just a note; for all those letters, there are only a handful of leaders (representing both parties) who have written me back…I’m not politically minded, but I’ve NEVER forgotten which leaders took the time to respond.
As BELIEVERS & FOLLOWERS we have the responsibility to “honor those to whom honor is due” and to “respect those to whom we owe respect” …AND as free Americans we have the duty to let our leaders know what we think, how else can they lead?
And here are some points to consider, for all of us this post-election day.
The scripture is clear; pray, pray, pray for your leaders. (I TIMOTHY 2:1-4) If you pray that God’s voice will be heard in their hearts, that they will be surrounded by wise counsel, that they will ALWAYS act according to what they believe is in the best interest of this land and not by selfish motive, and pray that their families will be safe and secure…that is the best gift that you can give. When a leader makes a choice that you wouldn’t necessarily choose, trust God to be great enough to listen to YOUR prayer and answer YOUR prayer for the Leader-in-question and know that God holds this country, as all countries, in His hand and will answer if called upon.
The scripture is clear; pray, pray, pray for your leaders. (I TIMOTHY 2:1-4) If you pray that God’s voice will be heard in their hearts, that they will be surrounded by wise counsel, that they will ALWAYS act according to what they believe is in the best interest of this land and not by selfish motive, and pray that their families will be safe and secure…that is the best gift that you can give. When a leader makes a choice that you wouldn’t necessarily choose, trust God to be great enough to listen to YOUR prayer and answer YOUR prayer for the Leader-in-question and know that God holds this country, as all countries, in His hand and will answer if called upon.
The scripture is clear; pray, pray, pray for your leaders. (I TIMOTHY 2:1-4) If you pray that God’s voice will be heard in their hearts, that they will be surrounded by wise counsel, that they will ALWAYS act according to what they believe is in the best interest of this land and not by selfish motive, and pray that their families will be safe and secure…that is the best gift that you can give. When a leader makes a choice that you wouldn’t necessarily choose, trust God to be great enough to listen to YOUR prayer and answer YOUR prayer for the Leader-in-question and know that God holds this country, as all countries, in His hand and will answer if called upon.
Again, I thank God for a place where we can choose our leaders…and come January, I’ll be sending a letter out to our new leaders…and a short while later, I may be sending another letter to King Charles.
God bless you all; citizens of the Kingdom of God, temporarily sojourning in this place and time.