Maybe it’s my age, maybe it’s something else, but lately I’ve been obsessively fantasizing, and even had dreams about, going back and starting over…beginning with my Freshman Year in High...
Maybe it’s my age, maybe it’s something else, but lately I’ve been obsessively fantasizing, and even had dreams about, going back and starting over…beginning with my Freshman Year in High...
He walked in through the doors from the narthex of the church, where I had just started working as Music Director, and he looked grumpier than usual. “Oh, good.” I...
It’s no secret one of my favorite places to hang out after a rehearsal, performance, church, or to write and work (while eating and drinking) is SCAMPY’S ANNEX. For those...
a BLOG by Pastor Ken Rickett Just a few days ago I started a 3,000-piece jigsaw puzzle. When I opened the box and put all the pieces in 5 separate...
24601: That is the number the prison gives to identify the man known as Jean Valjean, the protagonist in the book and musical, LES MISERABLES. 24601. The number is not only given...
I tell this story regularly, so I apologize, but I DO love this story. I’m telling it again now because we all need to tell our stories and pass them down. The...
“I don’t believe in God anymore,” I overheard her say to a friend on the phone, while we were both in line at KROGER, “I just know too many hypocrites.” ...
On a recent trip there was a moment we were surrounded, on all sides, by families with children. As I age, I have a “love/hate” relationship with crowds. I like...
A BLOG by PASTOR KEN RICKETT Lately, I have watched cracks in the dry soil around my yard widen up to a half inch or more. Dry. I have seen...
Each June I think about my friend, Michael. Michael was a conductor, chorus master, lecturer, author, musicologist, accompanist, and my vocal coach when I performed opera. He was also, more...