I was in my car, on my way to Indianapolis. I was in the right-hand lane (going the speed limit…really!) and a car drove past me, pulled in front of me and...
I was in my car, on my way to Indianapolis. I was in the right-hand lane (going the speed limit…really!) and a car drove past me, pulled in front of me and...
Miss LaClaire, Miss Just, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Van Dyke, Mrs. Goranson, Mrs. Stankman, Mr. McNamara. When the school year comes around, I go through these names and memories again. I may...
Luke 12:27 “Consider the lilies, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of...
Warner Elias Sallman, a first-generation American (his parents were immigrants from Finland and Sweden), sang in his local church choir in Chicago. It was there he met his wife, Ruth in 1916. ...
It was a beautiful place, and a wonderful vacation: Italy! We recently spent nine glorious days in one of my favorite cities in the world, Florence. Our circle was small;...
I have just left the home of one of my heroes: artist designer, composer, inventor, sculptor – LEONARDO DaVINCI. Leonardo was one of those few sparks of miraculous talent who...
So, there was this guy, an instrument maker in Florence (where I am currently sojourning) with the great name of Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco. Anyway, somewhere around 1700 Bart decided...
Well, I sit writing this BLOG in my favorite city in the world, Florence (Firenze), in the Tuscany region of Italy. It’s been years since I’ve been here and, not...
Usually, during this holiday weekend, I perform with the Indianapolis Jazz Orchestra (the “big band” I’ve been singing with since 2000) as we performed last night a THE JAZZ KITCHEN in Indy....
Beethoven is not one of my favorite composers. I don’t dislike his music, it’s just not my favorite…but oddly, he IS one of my favorite people, aside from his music. I learned quite a...